Monday, May 28, 2012

A few WIP's

Well, with the long Memorial day weekend, I found a few minutes to get some paint on a few figs.
I should have gotten a lot more done in the time given, but my Vallejo Hot Orange had other plans. It just so happens to be one of the main colors for my Tir-na-Bor faction and it decided to completely settle on me since the last time I had used it.
So, a good portion of my evening was used trying to revive the paint back to a usable state. (which never really worked anyway)
The Orange on my Mid-Nor fig was not intentional either. He had a run in with my 5 year old sometime back, Yikes!
So this is what I got started this weekend, thanks for taking a look. Hopefully all 3 of them should see completion soon.

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