Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Infinity: Charontid

I have been playing some games of Infinity lately, really just some battle box games to get the feel for it. Anyway, this guy was whooping up on people so, I thought he deserved to be painted.
I've really been enjoying painting the Combined army figs, as they are a nice change of pace from the stuff I normally work on.
Here he is with a few in progress pics as well. Thanks for looking.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mid-Nor: Cthonian Larvae

Well, now that the Holidays have calmed down,and life has resumed as normal, I found a few minutes to sling some paint.
Been working on this guy for a little while but held off finishing him at the thought of painting all of those individual eyes. Painting just 2 on a fig is usually bad enough!
In the end, I'm glad I took the time to do it , as I think it adds a whole new level of creepy grossness to an already nasty fig.
Thanks for checking him....it out.

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