
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Infinity: Yaogat Strike team leader

Wow! way too long without a post! Shame on me! Hobby time has been cut severely short as of late,and my poor blog suffers for it.
I was a big fat failure on the 15 day challenge from my last post, and only made it 8 days in. I made a ton of progress on a myriad of projects,  but just couldnt hold it together for the whole term.
Next time I take that on I may shoot for a ten day stint. Seems a little more doable, dont ya think? 

I have done a few hobby things since then and even finished a figure for a contest on the new(ish) Infinity podcast, MAYACAST.
It is a great little show to listen to while you paint, by the way.

I hadn't planned to enter the contest until the ribbing of my buddies got to me, and I busted out the fig in 5 hours straight! Might be a new record for me.
After all was said and done, I didnt win the contest, as there were a ton of stellar entries but it's always awesome to have that kind of turn out for a painting contest!

Here is my Yaogat strike leader. Sorry for the garbage pics. My phone did an update, went crazy and now it does everything awfully, including taking pictures. :(

And a bunch of WIP's as I went along.