
Sunday, April 27, 2014

The 15 day painting challenge

Recently, a buddy of mine came up with an idea to help with the backlog trap of painting, that all hobbyists fall into eventually.
We have these massive amounts of untouched pewter, resin and plastic figs lying around. We bought most of these figs with the intention of painting them.... Sometimes, especially in may case it seems, I dont even get them assembled and out of the box anymore! Its a terrible, terrible problem! Those figures deserve paint by god! To that end, the 15 day challenge was born. 15 days straight, painting for at least an hour every night!
Currently  we are sitting on day 3 and I have not yet faltered. We'll see how that sounds come day 10 or so.

So, stay tuned for many, many WIP's over the next two weeks. I will try to keep it updated every couple of days.

Dark Age and Wild West Exodus have been the focus of the first days. I have however, got some Rackham figs on the docket, and you should see them very soon!

You'll have to excuse the awful pics. They will be taken while painting. Cant waste time setting up a proper shoot now can we!?

 Follow everyone's progress over on the Geek Garage forum thread! Or better yet, join the site and jump in with us!