
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Malifaux go!

Well folks, here we are again, with a huge, disgusting pause in my blog posts.
Life has gotten the better of me once again, it seems. With my camera being the craps for the last good long while and some crazy medical problems going on, I really lost the motivation for a spell.

Now the hobby mojo seems to be creeping back into my daily routine, and I once again feel like slinging paint!
As promised in my Gen Con wrap up post, I am ready to show you some Malifaux goodies.

I now have a few games under my belt for this system and it has really been a hoot! The card mechanic in Malifaux was a bit hard to get used to at first, and I always found myself searching for dice to roll. Now that I am starting to get the hang of it however, I am enjoying the game thoroughly.

As is typical with me and miniature games, I am finding it difficult to stay "in faction" with my purchases. All of Wyrd's beautiful new plastic kits seem to be calling my name!
I have started off with Outcasts so far, which seem to be a pretty good springboard into other factions since they are, after all, Mercenaries.

My first completed fig obviously had to be the Master in my Hired Blades crew box, Viktoria of Ashes. Really an awesome fig, albeit tiny and super fiddly.  Too many times I see these Malifaux crews painted extremely dark and dirty. So, I wanted to go somewhat opposite and make mine bright, with quite a bit of pop for the table top.

Here she is in all her punkish glory. Let me know what you think!

Here is a shot of my entire crew as it stands now, I have since added Ama No Zako and Killjoy for some major nastiness. Just have to get those big buggers assembled.

As you can see, I have gone with kind of a hodgepodege brick road style for the bases. I made the bricks from scratch and plan to make a tutorial on them in the near future.

Something noteworthy about these plastic kits: While these are awesome figures, they are fairly difficult to assemble. If you are unsure of your skill assembling tiny, multi-part figures, you may want to seek out the help of a more experienced modeler. I have put together military models which make the difficulty of these pale in comparison, but I would put these up there in the top tier for difficult gaming figures.

Thanks for reading!