
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

On the Bench: Dark Age and Helldorado

Here are a few WIPS I have been throwing some paint at over the last little while.

First up is Blazon for the Skaard faction in Dark Age.
This one is unfortunately not for me. I'm painting it up for a friend who hooked me up with a limited edition fig as payment. She should be done very soon now.

From oldest to most recent.

And Now for MONGO!!
Probably one of my favorite figs of all time.

I am fairly pleased with my homebrew base on this one.

Last in the lineup is Francisco Vargas, for the Westerners in Helldorado.
Freaking love this whole line of figs!

Planning on giving this guy freehand galore if my nerves can handle it. He is rather small.
Again, I am happy with this guys base. Base-building seems to be turning into a whole little side hobby for me.

Let me know what you think of these guys so far. Have any awesome ideas I ought to incorporate into them?
Thanks for having a look!