
Friday, January 10, 2014

Recent WIP's: Wild West Exodus.

Thought I'd show you Some of the stuff I have been working on over the last little while.

Here are some WIP's from my recently received Wild West Exodus Kickstarter. I was hesitant to jump on at first, but decided I had better since I had a few buddies doing the same.I have never been a huge fan of Wild West stuff in general, and since the digital pics of the figs were not looking all that stellar, it took some convincing.
When I recived my package I was very pleasntly surprised! The figs were better than expected, and now that I have a game under my belt, I can say the mechanics arent too shabby either. Hooray!

I pledged for both the Outlaws and the Enlightened. After a look over of the rules and figs, I have decided to sell off the Enlightened and stick with just the single faction. I may never get them all painted otherwise!

Now, pics!

Long range Hired Hand
Cole Younger and his Red hat!
And a little further along.