
Monday, May 16, 2011

Oaths kept.

Well, here a few more proper pics of my entry for the league contest. He was a lot of fun to paint. This fig has an amazing amount of detail and character. You know a fig is great if you find yourself thinking of battles and background stories while you paint them. I do plan to revisit the runes in the wood to make them more glowey looking at some point, I was just a tad too rushed to do it correctly with the deadline and all.

I am actually most pleased with the tree bark. At first thought I was just going to paint it a deep brown color..............trees are brown right? :) The other day my work just so happened to take me high up onto the mountainside and as I was looking around, it dawned on me that the Oak trees were most definitely an ashy  Gray color, hence my choice for the tree.